St. Michael Academy is currently accepting applicants for our 2025-26.

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2025-2026 Re-Enrollment Dates:

Registration Fee:

On or Before January 31, 2025 - $475

After January 31, 2025 - $525

 Re-enrollment will be done exclusively online via your FACT Family Portal

Open enrollment for new families begins on 2/1/25


1. Returning students must reserve their spot by paying the re-registration fee each year by the deadline.

2. All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

3. Families who do not re-register by the deadline are giving up their spots.


As openings become available, the following priorities will be used to accept students to St. Michael Academy:

1) Current students of the school, siblings of current students, and students of school employees. 

2) Catholic families relocating to our parish from out-of-town continuing a Catholic education for their child(ren).

(You must be a member of the Parish for one year to receive the Catholic Tuition Rate unless a supporting letter from the Pastor of your former Parish is provided.) 

3) Practicing and supporting members* of St. Michael Catholic Church. 

4) Parishioners from other local Catholic Churches with a letter from their pastor.

5) All others, including families of other faith traditions. 

*Supporting Parishioners are defined as those families that are registered Catholic parishioners of St. Michael Parish who regularly attend Mass on weekends and, through offertory envelopes, contribute to the parish. 

At the time of registration, all new students seeking admission to St. Michael Academy will be evaluated based on current standardized test scores and report cards. All students will take an assessment before admission. Full acceptance will be contingent on a complete review of the student's test scores, report cards, teacher recommendations, and educational plans by the school’s administrative team. Families must complete Online Enrollment and FACTS registration by the deadline provided to the family. Failing to meet this deadline may result in the student's withdrawal.

Students applying for admission must provide the required documents. All requested documents must be uploaded during the application process. The parent/guardian is responsible for obtaining the documents from the student’s current school. These will be reviewed to determine whether the program at St. Michael Academy will meet the student's educational needs. St. Michael Academy will only request the student’s cumulative file from the previous school using the Records Request form once the student has been accepted.

All new students will be given a trial period to demonstrate social and academic growth. If during this trial period (90 days) there are any problems, a student may be asked to withdraw his/her attendance at St. Michael Academy. Withdrawal policies will apply.


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