Scholarships and Financial Aid
Scholarships & Financial Aid
To be considered for this scholarship, a parent and their children must be Baptized Catholics, registered parishioners of St. Michael Catholic Church for a year by the end of December of the prior year, and in good standing from the previous academic year as determined by the parish.
*VPK students do not qualify for this scholarship.
Questions? Please call and contact the parish office to meet with Father Eric Stelzer.
STATE-FUNDED (FTC, FES-EO & FES-UA) SCHOLARSHIPS (for Tuition & Standard Fees)
Families awarded a state-funded scholarship must provide the school with a copy of their award letter from the Scholarship Funding Organization (SFO)—either Step Up For Students or AAA Scholarship Foundation. Even with the scholarship, the parent/guardian is still financially responsible for the balance not covered by the scholarship and/or any payment that the school does not receive from the SUFS.
Step Up For Students: Click Here to Get Started
AAA Scholarship Foundation: Click Here to Get Started
Families who received partial or have been denied the state-funded scholarship are eligible to apply for the St. Augustine Scholarship.
To be considered for this scholarship, a parent and their child/ren must be a Baptized Catholic, be registered parishioners of St. Michael Catholic Church for a year by end of December of the prior year, and in good standing from the previous academic year as determined by the parish.
*VPK students do not qualify for this scholarship.