Our Faith Life

Our Faith Life

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Deepening Faith 

Our approach is based on the teachings of our Catholic faith. We model and encourage the true meaning of the Gospel Message: to share our time, talent and treasure through service to others. We prepare our students for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation by the cooperative efforts of our Church community.

Responsibility for Self

We teach our students the importance of making sound decisions based on the principles of our Catholic faith. Our teachers, parents and students work together to develop age-appropriate organizational skills essential to personal and academic success.

Concern for Others

We nurture love and mutual respect among students, teachers, parents, and all who support our school family, in order to spread the message of Jesus Christ in our homes, our community, and our world. We cultivate an atmosphere of diversity with respect for individual differences. We nurture a caring and accepting attitude toward each student’s personal gifts, preparing students for social responsibilities with interpersonal skills such as cooperating with others and making ethical and moral choices.

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